David gave me a clue to solve a puzzle..

Will this finally break the loop?

POV: When what David said actually made perfect sense…

There will be times where you feel like you’re facing the same set of problems.

A problem comes up, you solve it and then a similar one pops up.

Problems comes in all shapes and sizes.

Regardless what it is: love, relationships, health, wealth etc.

It’s as if you just cant seem to break the loop.

Both frustrating and annoying.

No bueno.

“I need a break.”

“Can I get a break”

“When will i catch a break”

Sounds familiar?

I bet it does. I know it sucks but there’s a way to break this “‘infinite” loop.

That was the state I was in. Until I had clarity.

But… you must first understand this:

Your current thoughts can’t solve your current problems.

Which means you either need to think better or find someone who solved the same problem that you’re having right now.

Sounds easy enough but for most of us, asking for help is not that simple.

In fact it’s one of the hardest thing for anyone to do.

So then… what’s the alternative?

That’s where David comes in.

David is Patterson’s late ex boyfriend in the Blindspot TV Series. And Patterson was stuck in a dream trying to solve a crime while she’s in a coma…



I was walking towards the kitchen when the scene came on the tv.
(My dad was watching it on the tv…)

David: Break the loop.

Paterson: I’m trying…

David: Shows a picture of crossword puzzle*

Patterson: Are you hiding clues again in the crossword puzzle?

David: No… think of it as a crossword puzzle. Use what you know to solve what you don’t.

Huh… will you look at that.

It does make sense doesn’t it?

And when you think of problems as a puzzle or game to be solve, it way more fun.

Although the problem itself might not be as fun.

It’s a small yet simple mindset shift.

And just like games, the more you level up, the stronger you are and the stronger and harder the monsters are.

Like Einstein used to say, ”Learn the rules of the game then play it better than everyone else.”

Stay strong and keep levelling up my friends.

Remember, use what you know to solve what you don’t.

-RK 🥷 

P.S. Ooh… there’s one more step before that. You’ll need to know when to ask the right question, in the right order and at the right time for this approach to work. In order to that, you’ll need the ‘Key’. More on that tomorrow ;)

P.P.S. Hint: It’s somewhere on this page…