#1 Sauce of the day - Newton’s Law

and how it can help you understand investments better...

I think it’s about time for some mouth watering juicy sauce.

That’s why I’m starting a mini investment series. And this is episode #1.

Let’s get into it. Hope you’re ready…

I covered earlier that before you even begin to think about investing, you first need to have a strong reason why.. (I hope you already have one… pls say yes…)

Keep this question in mind: Is money cash or value?

Forget everything you knew about money…

Because money in itself is useless.

You’re only exchanging the things of value with money.

Let me explain…

Enter: Newton’s Law of Conservation of Energy.

The law of conservation of energy says that energy is neither created nor destroyed. When people use energy, it doesn't disappear. Energy changes from one form of energy into another form of energy.

In monetary context, it simply means…

Money don’t just disappear. It simply exchanges hands.

You’re getting paid by your company in exchange for the amount of hours that you work.

More work, more money. Sounds fair right?

Uhhhh…not really.

Because one thing for a fact is that we all have the same 24Hrs in a day. And yet…

There are people making disproportionate amount of money with the same or lesser hours of work.

How is it possible?

Don’t get me wrong. They are still exchanging something for money.

But instead of time, they exchange… value.

My friend… time is limited.

Plus, there’s only so much you can do in a day.

Or rather, want to do in a day.

If you could travel while still getting paid wouldn’t that be something you want?

Passive income rolling in while you enjoy life rather than trading your time for it?

Fam…. Idk about you but that sounds a pretty good deal to me.

Sipping on fresh coconuts while getting my bag? SAY LESS BRUV!!

Anyway, once you truly understand this, there are two more principles you need to grasp.

And I’ll cover that tomorrow.

Don’t miss it.


P.S. On Oct 1st, I’m launching something special for these last 3 months. I’m limiting it to the first 5 people only. Who knows… i might decide to host a trip together for these group. More on that in the future. It’ll be 3 way win situation. Don’t want to spoilt it just yet… 🤫