The Types Of Questions I Get Asked All The Time

Some are unreasonable...

Ahh these are without a doubt the most highly asked questions throughout my entire freaking life.

I figured it’s about damn time I make an FAQs because your boy is tired of repeating and explaining himself.

Let me tell you a story how these FAQ came about and why I decided to finally do it.

Last Monday I met Nurul, one of our associates, to go over how I can improve my LinkedIn profile.

After we sorted out what needs to be tweaked, we talked for a bit and to my surprised, the first thing she asked me was…

“Are you malay?”

But your name Robby?”

I can already tell what are the follow up questions.

So here are the FAQs about myself:

“Is your name really Robby?” — Yes. It’s on my birth certificate.

“Are you malay? — Yes as well.

“You malay but why your name Robby?” — It’s not a malay name. Rather, indonesian and was given by my late grandmother.

“What’s your full name?” — A Robby Kuswara. No, the ‘A’ doesn’t stand for anything. It’s just the letter ‘A’. I’m dead ass serious.

“Are you chinese/thai/burmese/japanese/indian/indonesian/malaysian/french/spanish/nigerian(??)” — Yeah… I get that A LOT — except for nigerian. It happened only once.

It’s one of the reasons I usually avoid speaking at any social setting because the amount of times i would have to repeat this boggles me.

Which is also why you’ll see me in a corner of any room — because I malay.

And usually, one of the most asked question is..

“What do you work as?”

Well… for me to answer that, it deserves an entire email on itself.

More importantly, why I do what I do and my mission for doing so.

So keep a look out for that one because it will be the most vulnerable email I’ve ever written to anyone.
