The Catalyst Origin Story

I couldn't come up with anything better so I just went with it.

It seems like every single one has a brand name with a catchy tagline… except for me.

And with my previous experience as a copywriter, it hurts my ego that I can’t come up with anything original.

But oh well... As the saying goes,

If you are good, you tell others. But if you are great, others tell you.”

I’ve been thinking of a brand name for this and I couldn’t come up with anything original. A friend once told me that a name that you give yourself is good, but a name given by someone else is better.

All credit to him, I decided to go with ‘The Catalyst’.

I was having lunch (I think) with one of my former colleagues one day, and mid-way through our conversation, someone interrupted to ask a question regarding work.

He paused and said,

How come every time I’m around you people come to me to ask questions or start talking to me? We need to give you a nickname. You’re like ‘The Catalyst’.”

Bam it sticks. Not gonna lie, it does have a nice ring to it.

And so I decided to adopt it.

By definition, a catalyst is:

A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.

Why ‘The Catalyst’? It’s for these reasons:

  • Investing is the catalyst to creating generational wealth because saving money alone in this era is not going to be enough.

  • I’m a strong advocate that investing should allow us to live for the future without giving up the things we enjoy doing in the present.

  • With our 2MB principle, I believe we can work together to help create the catalyst for you.

  • I’m a playmaker and I feel I’m at the point in my life where I can connect to you to someone if you ever need anything.

So.. if you’re reading this, congratulations. It means you’re part of the catalyst. Get it…?

Because we have chemistry and make a chemical reaction together 🥺👉🏻👈🏻…

Never mind.

(Hey… It’s not the 2023 naming Olympics okay? Cut me some slack will ya)

Now for the most important question…

What made you join the financial advisory and choose the company IAM Advisory Group?”

This is a story I already planned on telling you in the next email.

And how I shook hands with my master mentor the first time we met in person not knowing he’s actually my big boss 😮‍💨

First-hand embarrassment and an ‘oh shit’ moment.

Don’t miss it.


P.S. Hmm.. should I include another email about how this one time someone turned me down on mentorship in a very condescending and humiliating way?

For real tho… had me shed a tear or two. It was the first time someone denied me of an opportunity to learn and I was willing to do it for free even.. sheeeeesh