Risk is what you don't see

This applies to every area in your life...

“It’s the one you don’t see coming that will knock you tf out.”

Hmmm… Where do I even begin?

Alright let’s start with something I’ve been seeing all over the internet. Some of you might have reposted it because part of you want to believe it’s true.

“2024 will be my ___ year ever.”

-Everybody on the damn internet

Now, whatever you filled in that blank with is what you desire most.

I’m willing to bet my left nut that it is a form of change.

And with any sort of change, comes with a level risk that you pictured in your mind and feel in your gut.

Be it a career — job change, promotions, salary increments

A partner — Someone new, taking the next step in your relationship, tying the knot, settling down, perhaps ending it (if that’s you… welcome back to the streetsss my guy!!)

Better health - Cutting out bad habits, eating better, feeling better, sleep better.

Wealth - Clearing debts, building up savings, building assets and portfolios for passive income.

Anytime a change occurs, there’s a risk of you relapsing.

A risk of not following through. And you’ve probably been there in previous resolutions.

What’s there to say this one would be different? Nothing!

Because somewhere down the road you made the decision that the risk is not worth the reward.

Okay but… What exactly, is a risk?

As mentioned earlier…

Risk is what you don’t see

-Morgan Housel

What that means is, risk are the things that will catch you by the balls uh… I mean by surprised 🌚 .

Any time you hear someone say “I didn’t see that coming,” or “I never thought it could happen to me.” …

know that what you just heard was a risk. Something that they couldn’t see because they couldn’t have imagined it in the first place.

Does this mean we can’t brace ourselves for it? Of course not...

It’s a principle that engineers live by — Having a failsafe system.

Take a building for example. Every building is constructed with an earthquake happening in mind.

Now nobody know when an earthquake is going to happen, but in the event it does happen, they are ready for it.

Same goes with airbags in cars. You don’t go buy an airbag after getting an accident do you?

Exacto my friendo.

The key principle here is this,

“Invest in preparedness, not prediction”

-CEO of a Construction company that I forgot the name (sorry)

What makes the thing you want to pursue “risky” depends on how prepared you are.

Anything else that you couldn’t predict could happen is probably the real risk.

Everything else is just a concern that can be managed.

This will also require certain level of expectations that you need to manage.

Because… how is it even remotely possible to predict something so accurately when we live in an unpredictable world?

Whatever the risk you think it’ll come with, it’s probably not as bad as you would think. Perhaps…

The biggest risk of all is the absence of risk itself.

So my friend, grab fear by the throat and go get it.

I’m rooting for you to win.


-RK 🥷